Monday, February 16, 2009

4 months later....

wow, this blog is working really well ... only took me 4 months to get back to it.

a "more organized and intentional" life status:
  • have organized a lot of 'physical stuff' (eg: rooms, desks, drawers, boxes, etc)
  • did not post my lists on this web because i have a found a very useful website for lists, called check it out. there's a lot you can do with it.
  • i have not done much regarding organizing my days, my weeks, my months, and my years. i did some research on some popular personal management systems - and have decided to give Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen. i read the book and listened to it on audio in the car - and it seems like a good fit for me.
  • my goal is to get the first step of GTD done by next Tuesday, Feb 23. we'll see...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

christine: high-level plan

  1. go through my drawer of papers and my email inbox - and create a "to-do-now list" of any outstanding tasks that i have been avoiding and that need to be done in the near future. create another list of outstanding tasks of less importance and that i can do sometime in the future.
  2. take a week or two to knock off the items on "to-do now list"
  3. chapter by chapter, slowly work through the book "it's hard to change the world when you cant find your keys"
  • i find that all the "avoiding" i do (whether it be avoiding tasks, avoiding feelings, avoiding decisions, avoiding people) is such an extra, unnecessary weight on me. i love the feeling when i finally do something or confront something that i have been avoiding. very liberating and freeing.
  • i have read through this book before and think it is a good match for me. it focuses on the underlying causes of being unorganized and addresses those issues, before focusing on the behavioral aspects of organization. each chapter has questions to think about and tasks to do.